[해외] Poet, 신규 랩 신설

Po.et에서 랩을 새로 건설했다는 소식입니다. 이 랩의 첫번째 프로잭트는 Incrypt라는군요. 아시다시비 우리는 정보 독점이 만연한 시대에 살고 있는데요, 그 독점을 해소할 해결책이라는군요.

Po.et is excited to announce Po.et Development Labs. As Po.et continues to evolve, we encourage new projects to build on our platform to further realize its value and expand its already vast ecosystem. In that spirit, we are excited to announce an official development initiative that will enable us to invest in and provide a platform for media companies and creators everywhere to build on the blockchain.

The first project to build on Po.et is Inkrypt, a global decentralized system providing a censorship-resistant solution for journalism hosting and delivery that will render journalism content permanent and immutable. In countries where oppressive regimes censor news and information, this technology is absolutely critical.

This announcement was covered by AxiosBitcoin Magazine and TechCrunch.

Read All About It

Recent Coverage & Events

The Po.et team has been busy and there has been some great coverage of what we're building:

A video of Jarrod's pre The Block's event "Internet of Trust and Money," about "Why Blockchain is Essential in Publishing,"

A video of Jarrod's presentation at ISOJ 2018 (International Symposium on Online Journalism) is now available,

The video of Jarrod speaking at Token Fest has also been uploaded to YouTube  

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