[자유 게시판] 2018년 밸류워크 독자들이 선택한 최고의 투자 서적
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- 11-09
안전 마진(Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor)(국내 미출간) - 세스 클라만
(인터넷에 돌아다니는 번역본임)원칙(Principles: Life and Work) - 레이 달리오
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=13648331현명한 투자자(The Intelligent Investor) - 벤저민 그레이엄, 제이슨 츠바이크 논평
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=11355999The Warren Buffett Shareholder: Stories from inside the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting(국내 미출간) - 로렌스 커닝햄
https://www.amazon.com/Warren-Buffett-Shareholder-Berkshire-Hathaway/dp/0857197002The Little Red Book of Family Business(국내 미출간) - 데이비드 보크
https://www.amazon.com/Little-Red-Book-Family-Business/dp/0963702815위대한 기업에 투자하라(Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings) - 필립 피셔
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=1563388Poor Charlie's Almanack(국내 미출간) - 피터 카우프만
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=7299014주식시장의 영원한 고수익 테마들(You Can Be a Stock Market Genius) - 조엘 그린블라트
https://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=2621355슈퍼인텔리전스(Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies) - 닉 보스트롬
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=11895289황금의 샘(The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power) - 대니얼 예긴
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=12299552사피엔스( Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind) - 유발 하라리
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=9780781Advances in Financial Machine Learning(국내 미출간) - 마커스 로페즈 디 프라도
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=13361783재무제표에 숨어있는 회계속임수(Financial Shenanigans) - 하워드 슐릿
https://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=6031330HBR Guide to Better Business Writing(국내 미출간) - 브라이언 가너
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=7054133100 Baggers: Stocks That Return 100-To-1 and How to Find Them(국내 미출간) - 크리스토퍼 메이어
https://www.amazon.com/100-Baggers-Stocks-100-1/dp/1621291650Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved(국내 미출간) - 케이트 보울러
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=13359390The Aggressive Conservative Investor(국내 미출간) - 마틴 휘트먼
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=2058995The Acquirer's Multiple: How the Billionaire Contrarians of Deep Value Beat the Market(국내 미출간) - 토비아스 칼리슬
https://www.amazon.com/Acquirers-Multiple-Billionaire-Contrarians-Market-ebook/dp/B076GS7WF9Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think(국내 미출간) - 한스 로슬링
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=13506461설득의 경제학(Essays In Persuasion) - 존 메이너드 케인스
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=5337814자산 배분의 기술(The Art of Asset Allocation: Principles and Investment Strategies for Any Market, Second Edition)(국내 미출간) - 데이비드 다스트
http://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=4625666설득의 심리학(Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion) - 로버트 치알디니
https://book.naver.com/bookdb/book_detail.nhn?bid=7262311가치 투자(Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond) - 브루스 그린왈드